Monday, January 4, 2010

Music Monday

It's officially 2010!! I wrote my first check yesterday and actually wrote the right year!! Of course, I probably just jinxed myself for saying anything... you know how that goes!

On to Music Monday- "pick your favorite Rockin' in the New Year party song". Since both my little ladies are hanging on to me this morning, I let them pick my song for today. This is their favorite song, and I can't help but like it a little bit :)  Who doesn't like a video where the underdog wins?!


  1. I just like Taylor Swift period. She seems like the real deal - sweet, innocent and down to earth. I hope she doesn't disappoint us like some others have.

    Anyway, I wrote my first check yesterday and wrote the wrong date! I'm sure it won't be the first time either!

  2. Just give up checks and then you don't have to worry about the date! I wrote the date on something at work yesterday and was shocked that I got it right! Happy Sitsy New Year

  3. Love this song too!! So does my oldest daughter and wants to sing it in the schools talent show.

  4. Stopping by from SITS!

    Just wanted to let you know about my button swap and the chance for your blog to be featured! Check it out:


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