Tuesday, March 3, 2009


AUGGHGHH!! My internet went down sometime on Friday and because of the bad weather, the repair person didn't get out until today--- talk about feeling disconnected!! I would find myself at my computer several times a day thinking I could just look something up, and NOPE, it didn't work. Thank GOD it's fixed!!!

So after I checked all 200+ emails on my three different accounts (i'm not exaggerating), I decided I stop by here and try to update a bit...

Friday- I left EARLY to run some errands before I took Lady M to her LIFE homeschool classes, then while she was learning her little head off, Miss Priss and I went SHOPPING!!! Boss has been working a LOT this month, so we had quite a bit of money that was unaccounted for in the budget, so I took it upon myself to spend a little of it :). The best thing about the economy problems is that everything stays on sale all the time!!! I also got a phone call that my very good friend and worship leader, Marc B, had lost his mother the night before...

Saturday- GINGY'S HOUSE!! My pastor's wife, Ginger aka Gingy aka Mimi, had all the women over for a brunch and a lovely woman from our main campus came to share how worship has changed her life. It was wonderful!! Then, I took the girls home, changed clothes, called my mother in law to babysit, and picked up Boss at work so we could go support Marc B and his band's video taping thing. Boss loves his band (because they sound so southern rock-ish, and he is a real SOUTHERN boy). Then I ran Boss back to work, to swap out vehicles, me in his truck and he in the van. He went home to take care of the girls while I went to our prayer revival service at church. Talk about being in the presence of God!! It was AWESOME.... Marc B was there already playing and singing, struggling a little to get some of the words out, so he asked me to help. It was so touching to see him leading even in his loss, in such a broken place... then, towards the end of the service, Pastor Darryl had called us all up to the front to pray over his brother-in-law for healing... and this man has been THROUGH it. Battled with cancer on more than one occasion, and is still just a picture of absolute peace in his storm... He took the mic from Darryl and asked not that we pray for healing for him, but that we rejoice in the fact that God has allowed us all the time we've had here, and rejoice with him as God has healed him so many times before, and if it be His Will, He'll do it again.... how many people do you know could do that? God is doing something SOOO big in our churches!!

Sunday- Boss decided to call in to work so he could come to church with us--- YAY!! It was so much easier to get ready with him helping with the girls... I felt like a married woman again :) I love my husband so much, but he is really a workaholic!! God is doing something there though... I can't wait to see it unfold!
After church, Boss brought the girls home, and I went to my mom's house so I could catch a ride with my aunt and uncle up to Clemmons for Marc's mother's funeral. I do NOT drive if there is even a chance of bad weather. The funeral was the very best I've ever been to, and I really wish that I could have met this amazing woman. The stories that were told made me amazed that any woman could be so much the picture of Proverbs 31. Then to top it all of, as the casket was being moved, Marc's father, Cy, stood up and spoke in such a way, he was so composed and confident that his wife was with God--- you just had to be there...

Monday- SNOW DAY!!! we got somewhere between 5-7 inches, depending on where you measured it. We went out and had a ball sledding down the hill and starting a snowman- Lady M helped build for about 4 minutes before she decided it was too much work. I came in and started cooking- cheesy potato soup, scratch brownies and snow cream!! I served brownies "a la mode" after the soup- heated the brownies and added a little chocolate syrup, then spooned over the snow cream... it was DELICIOUS!!!

so it goes without saying that I've been busy!! I've been super lazy today, still in my PJ's, but it's okay... hopefully I'll be able to make it to our prayer service tonight...

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