Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a prayer...

Dear God-

I am sorry. The words are not enough for me to express how much I'm sorry, for my own actions and for those of my brothers and sisters who claim You as Lord. We have openly rejected Your Word, refusing certain parts and embracing false teachings instead. We have decided to live a life that is pleasing to us, and as such, have shoved You out of Your place in our lives. We started living double lives, talking double talk, praising You in services and spitting in Your face with the things we say, do, hear and watch when we are not in the building we call the "church". We have failed to recognize our bodies as Your holy temple, and have filled ourselves so full of the fat of the land, all the while watching people starving in other countries or maybe even right down the road. We have decided that it's more important for us to look good than to live good, more important to wear a brand than to lend a hand, and have chosen to ignore the atrocities that are going on every single day all around us. Instead of supporting our crisis pregnancy centers and getting involved in politics, we've decided that we'll just talk about how horrible abortion is to our church friends, and stay quiet when our non-believer friends get in a heated debate about a woman's choice. We have completely hated or tolerantly accepted those who have decided that a lifestyle of sexual sin is how they were born, instead of speaking the truth IN LOVE to them. We have allowed our children to be brainwashed by the lies that truth is relative and that God is a fairy tale.
God, please, forgive us. We have fallen so far away from Your design, from the beauty of Your original creation. We have chosen to abuse or worship the land which You gave us to take care of, and we have devalued the life of ourselves, those whom You made in Your image, determining that it's up to us whether a person should live or die. Jesus we have mocked You, taunted You, stripped You naked and nailed You to the cross again and again and again, without truly surrendering ourselves to You. Oh Father, I beg Your forgiveness. We are in desperate need of a Savior, the only One who can turn this mess we have created around into good. God, I implore You, please wash us with Your mercy, cleanse us. Purify us, inside, and out. Make us a new creation. God we cannot do anything good on our own. We need You so desperately. I pray that You will work in the hearts of all men and women who have ever claimed Your Name as Lord, that Your Holy Spirit will bring about a mighty conviction and a move towards repentance. I know we have a free will, and that is Your plan, but God, tear our hearts so that we desire no will of our own. Make us want You so desperately that we cannot breathe without first knowing that it is Your will and Your desire for us to do so. I so long to know You more fully, more intimately. There is nothing I desire greater. Protect our minds and bodies from the attacks of the enemy, as he has no power over us, for we are more than conquerors thru Christ Jesus. I ask that You awaken Your army to do battle with the world that we have fallen asleep in, and that You will bring in the harvest of hurting souls who believe they have no hope. Give us courage to voice Your truths, and to be the light in the darkness for those who cannot see a thing. God You alone are in control, and You will finish what You have started in this place. We long for Your touch on our land Father, for healing. We ask now that You will recieve this prayer, as it is written or as it is read, and that You will hear the hearts of Your people calling out to You for a change. You are the change we need. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we praise You because we know that all things work together for good to those that love You and are called according to Your purpose. God, You have chosen us, You have loved us, and we lift You high. Be praised in all we do, and we thank you in advance, believing that You are at work on something so much bigger than what we could ever fathom. In the saving Name of Jesus....

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